
Ana Paulina Araya Muñoz is a student of anthropology at the University of Chile. She was born in the city of Santiago but lived most of her life in the north of the country, where her interest in studying culture emerged, especially that of the coastal communities of her region and how they related to the altiplanic groups. Before entering the basic cycle of this career, she finished primary school at Humberstone College in the city of Iquique. Currently, she is interested in the study of anthropology from a biological perspective. Some of the aspects that she wishes to work with in the future is the feeding of coastal groups in the north of the country and the cultural interaction produced by this. In addition, on a personal level, she is interested in swimming and in continuing to learn more about that sport, in fact, she competed in the interfaculty competition of the university in August of this year and continues to attend classes to this day. Today, she is in her fourth academic semester, doing six courses in addition to this, and very excited (although confused) by the choice of mention to make at the end of the year. It is important to mention that she has had excellent results in the university, and that each semester has been exceeded in her grades. To contact her, you can send her an email to:


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