Some people argue that Education is not necessarily important for the growth of a nation.

In Chile, the demonstrations for a public, free, secular and non-sexist education have been an important point in the social upheaval of recent years. In this sense, it is possible to infer the interest that the community has in guaranteeing this social right, not only for the personal intellectual enrichment of individuals but also for the country in general. Considering the above, this essay will be in charge of refuting the proposed thesis, that is, that education is not necessary for the growth of the nation. To achieve this, two arguments that emphasize the importance of education in the growth of a nation will be presented. The first of them, sees education as a means of professional realization that can contribute to satisfy the needs of citizens. On the other hand, education can be considered as an awareness of social reality and therefore, as a driver of changes in benefit of those who need it. Finally, the training of professionals as a way to maintain the economy and the livelihood of the country.

Resultado de imagen para marchas educacion chile


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